2020 started off like any other year but it soon ended up being a year filled with enormous challenges for each of us, both in our personal lives and careers.
AIMS Notice Board
Here you will find notices of interest to AIMS Members. Don't forget to also check the NEWS page and the EVENTS page to keep informed!
This year we received a couple of nominations for Young Mine Surveyor of the Year award and unfortunately no nominations for Mine Surveyor of the Year award.
The link below provides access to the new Gazette Notice, guidance video and updated fact sheet that addresses some common questions regarding the new Survey and Drafting Directions 2020.
AIMS has held their 2020 Annual General Meeting on 19th November 2020 as a live Zoom meeting which has resulted in several Executive Board changes.
Missed the AIMS 2020 e-AGM? Members can now view the recording.
[UPDATED] Glenn “Sunshine” Edwards, an outstanding and popular long-time member of AIMS - and now an AIMS Fellow - has finally decided to hang up his plumb-bob and call it a day.
A successful AIMS networking event was held at the Breakfast Creek Hotel in Brisbane on August 28th 2020.
The Survey and Drafting Directions for Mining Surveyors 2020 for NSW Mines has been released on 15th May 2020.
The WA DMIRS - Department of Mines Industry, Regulation and Safety - is currently seeking feedback from stakeholders on the proposed Work Health and Safety Regulations for Western Australia.
The AIMS Kalgoorlie regional event for 2019 was held on the 25th of September 2019, returning again to the Hannans club where we had a strong turnout of over 25 attendees comprising of local and regional Mine Surveyors, as well as key industry partners and sponsors.
The 2019 AIMS Mine Surveyor of the Year award has been given to Renny Leo, Senior Mine Surveyor from Northern Star Resources, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
The Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors (AIMS) held its Annual National Conference on 14-16 August, 2019 at the Sheraton - Hyde Park in Sydney.
AIMS was proud to present an AIMS Scholarship to Fiona Warring recently.
BOSSI has released its Strategic Plan 2019-2021
Please see notification from Standards Australia in regards to publishing the updated Standard Part 1 for AS5488.
The AIMS 2019 Moranbah Interactive Technology Day, held on May 15, was a great success again this year.
The United States Department of Labor has published an Accident Report on the fatal accident of Jeffery N. Slone, a 56-year-old survey crew member with 30 years of mining experience.
The 2019 AIMS North Queensland regional seminar was held in early April at the unique location of Glencore’s Ernest Henry Mine, located 38km North East of the Cloncurry township.
The inaugural WA AIMS Technology Day was held in Perth on 15th February 2019. Offered as a free event for AIMS members, SSSI members and students there were over 80 registrants and it was a big success.
The AIMS Illawarra seminar was back in 2018 and was strongly supported with over 50 attendees at the new venue, The Illawarra Brewery.
- AIMS 2018 Kalgoorlie Review
- 2018 Mudgee Seminar Review
- Bossi Report April 2018
- AIMS Bursary Awarded
- BOSSI Statistical Review
- Surveyor General's Direction No 11 - Preservation of Survey Infrastructure
- BOSSI Restoration to the Register
- BOSSI Upcoming Assessments
- Mt Isa 2017 Review
- QLD Sub-Committee Hits the Ground Running
- Moranbah 2017 Technology Day Review
- A Notice from 1983 - The Training of Surveyors
- Mudgee 2017 Seminar Review
- Gazetted Provision of Mine Survey Plan NSW
- BOSSI Survey Assistant Determination NSW
- AIMS Awards 2016 Winners
- ISM2016 Congress a Great Success!
- Field Notes – New Guidelines to be developed by BOSSI
- Mt Isa 2016 Seminar Review
- Communique - Proposed Legislative Changes Affecting WA Mine Surveyors
CPD Updates
Below is the latest CPD updates and news.
Members should also log-in to the CPD Resources area to access the following:
- CPD Calendar
- Event Attendance Records
- Annual CPD Return
- CPD Frequently Asked Questions
All CPD Enquiries should be directed to the AIMS CPD Panel Chairman