A Notice from the Board of Surveyors in 1983 still rings true. While getting prepared for his move to his new office in the McKell Building near Central Station, David Job, Director of Cadastral Integrity in the Office of the Registrar General, found the following notice from the Board of Surveyors issued in November 1983.
A lot of it still rings true to this day and it has been republished for the attention of registered surveyors and candidate surveyors a like.
Training Requirements
In order to become registered as a Surveyor it is necessary for a person to be educated and trained in the relevant aspects of surveying within New South Wales the education of surveyors is the responsibility of the University of New South Wales and the University of Newcastle. The training of surveyors is the responsibility of the profession at large.
The public expects Registered Surveyors to be competent in a wide range of work. The Board’s role is to assess the level of professional competence of a candidate and register as Surveyors those candidates who have attained a satisfactory level.
Candidates for registration must be competent to complete the work in the projects set down for the Board of Surveyors Examination. It is not sufficient for them to know only the field and office procedures and the theoretical constraints associated with the projects. It is also necessary that they have a sound knowledge of the legislation relating to these projects and the methods of implementing the legislation.
It is recognised that, with the need for such a wide range of experience it may not be possible for an applicant to obtain first hand experience in all aspects of surveying. The relevant knowledge may be obtained from detailed discussions with experienced surveyors, together with studies of the Acts, Regulations, court decisions, professional journals and other sources.
Co-operation between Supervising Surveyor and Graduate
It appears to the Board of Surveyors that there is a need for greater communication between the graduate and the surveyor who will be certifying the practical experience. Results of examinations suggest that surveyors are assuming graduates to have a higher level of practical competence than is evident to the Board at the examination. This situation can be overcome by frank and detailed discussion between the graduate and the surveyor. The Board seeks the support of all surveyors in pursuing this approach.
It is the responsibility of both the candidate and the supervising surveyor to ensure that the candidate is satisfactorily prepared for the practical and oral examinations conducted by the Board. The candidate should have sufficient training and experience to pass the whole of the examination at ONE attempt. Even though candidates who fail are required to repeat only the failed sections, this concession should not be exploited. Any candidate who attempts the examination should be properly prepared to complete every section of the examination.
Some Practical Advice from the Registrar (in November 1983)
It is essential that candidates become familiar with the laws and regulations which will govern their profession, both before and after registration.
As undergraduates or graduates, potential candidates should become conversant with Surveyors (General) Regulation, 1982.
Part II of the Regulation covers –
1. Enrolment as a CANDIDATE;
2. Prompt recording of all PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE obtained;
3. Content of LAND SURVEYORS’ EXAMINATION – including prescribed PROJECTS, practical FIELD and ASTRONOMY tests and the VIVA VOCE (oral) examination.
(In 2017 Candidates can find information about enrolment, practical experience, projects and assessments in BOSSI’s Examination Determination and BOSSI’s Guidelines for Land Surveying Assessments. These can be found on BOSSI’s website in the Publications>Determinations and policies section.)
Important notices are usually published in the Government Gazette, Institution of Surveyors NSW Inc monthly bulletin, “Azimuth” and “Sydney Morning Herald”. Information is also readily obtained at the Registrar’s office.
Preparation for the Land Surveyors’ Examinations run to a tight schedule, particularly in the two months preceding the examination. Candidates should approach their tasks in an organised way and comply fully with the requirements of the Regulations. Unless all requirements are fulfilled and all necessary information is produced, the application may be rejected.
As a candidate is accepted, papers are recorded an identification number. Candidates should ensure that this number is quoted on all correspondence and submissions to minimise confusion with candidates who might have similar names.
It is in the nest interests of candidates to maintain their records up to date by submitting Practical Experience Obtained forms each twelve months and advising the Registrar of any change of address.
[Article supplied by BOSSI for distribution to members]
BOSSI Contact Details
The BOSSI Office can be contacted as below:
P: PO Box 143 BATHURST NSW 2795
T: (02) 6332 8238
F: (02) 6332 8240
E: BOSSI@finance.nsw.gov.au
Michael Spiteri