The 2017 Mudgee Seminar kicked off on the Friday night (17th March) with a fabulous dinner at Mudgee Brewing Company - a fantastic start - with the presentations commencing on the following day.
Here you will find notices of interest to AIMS Members. Don't forget to also check the NEWS page and the EVENTS page to keep informed!
David McLean, Chief Inspector published an order in the Government Gazette on the provision, preparation and supply of mine survey plans in NSW.
One of the issues identified as a concern to mining surveyors in NSW last year was a lack of certainty in whether a person qualified to be a “survey assistant” as defined under the Board’s Combined Determination.
The inaugural AIMS 2016 Awards winners were announced and presented at the annual AIMS Annual Conference Gala dinner during the ISM2016 Congress.
The XVI International Mine Surveying Congress (ISM2016) held on 12 - 16 September 2016 in Brisbane, Australia was deemed a great success. The Congress was proudly hosted by AIMS and the International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM) and was well attended by industry delegates from around the world.
Due to queries regarding storage and archiving of field notes, BOSSI is considering developing guidelines for the preparation, storage and archiving of field notes and invites the profession to make submissions.
Once again Mount Isa turned it up for the 2016 AIMS regional seminar held at the ‘Outback at Isa’. The day consisted of six 1 hour sessions which saw sponsors show off their premium equipment.
As previously reported, there are changes afoot with regards to the WA mining regulations and how that in particular, affects mining surveyors in Western Australia.
SEE UPDATE/COMMUNIQUE HERE - Recently, for a variety of reasons, the Western Australian Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) have embarked down the road of reviewing the Western Australian Mine Safety and Inspection Act (1994) and Regulations (1995).
Review of AIMS Moranbah Technology Day 2016
Our first AIMS Technology Day was held on Wednesday the 18th May. We trialled a new format of rotating workshops and hands-on sessions, instead of our normal format of technical presentations.
The 2016 Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors Curtin University Scholarship has been awarded to Jhobie Verdejo.
Congratulations to AIMS Member James Sherritt for receiving the Clarence Smith Jeffries award for Best Mine Surveying Candidate for the 2015 assessments, as well as the inaugural Surveyor General's award for the best overall Candidate for 2015. Well done James!
The AIMS Mine Surveying Scholarships continue for three years for full-time surveying students.
The AIMS 2016 Mudgee Seminar was held in March and was a great success. The event began with a candidates session held at Club Mudgee, followed by dinner at Roth's Wine Bar on the Friday. The seminar itself was then held on the Saturday.
The NSW Survey & Drafting Directions for Mine Surveyors were gazetted on Friday 2nd October 2015.
AIMS representatives recently attended the June 2015 meeting of the Coal MSH Advisory Committee to discuss recognised competencies.
The annual AIMS Kalgoorlie Networking Event was held at Hannan’s Club on Thursday May 20th.
Here is the August 2023 CPD update for members from the AIMS CPD Panel Chairman.
AIMS has created a new area for NSW members looking for CPD resources and information following the closure of the CPD Events website.