Info from the SBQ, including 2015 Renewal of Registration and Board Workshops (Brisbane and Regional Centres)
2015 Renewal of Registration
The Board takes this opportunity to advise that as at 9 January 2015, 42% of Surveying Graduates had not satisfactorily completed the renewal process and are therefore unable to legally perform cadastral surveys until their registration is reinstated. It is acknowledged that many corporations may have paid for their staff and be of the belief all of their staff are registered. While payment is one component of the renewal process, a number of other factors also have to be addressed, eg Surveying Graduates are required to provide an updated post graduate training plan. Many training plans remain outstanding and this has contributed to the delay in the renewal of registration for many Surveying Graduates while a number of Graduates have not returned their Application for Renewal.
The Board recommends that consulting surveyors and supervisors confirm with their staff, especially Surveying Graduates, the status of their registration. The Board website represents the easiest way to confirm registration status. The website search facility was updated as at 9 January 2015. Non-listing within the search facility confirms non-registration status. A confirmation email was sent to all registrants who have satisfactorily completed the renewal process.
The Board has also sent an email to all Surveying Graduates with outstanding registration advising the potential reasons for non-renewal of registration and what needs to be done to finalise their registration.
Board Workshops – Brisbane and Regional Centres
The Surveyors Board of Queensland is running a series of workshops in Brisbane and regional centres to assist in the writing of Career Episode Reports (CERs). These Workshops will be in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Townsville, Mackay, Moranbah, Emerald, Rockhampton, Gladstone, Toowoomba and Dalby. There is no fee for attending the workshops. The workshops will take 4 hours.
The workshops will be aimed primarily at Surveying Graduates preparing CERs or an Oral Presentation for Registration as a Surveyor. Registered Surveyors, mentors and supervisors who offer advice to Surveying Graduates are welcome to attend the workshops or alternatively may prefer to be supplied with workshop documentation.
If you intend to participate in one of the workshops ensure you book in to the session by e-mailing the workshop number to the Training Advocate ( The numbers are strictly limited so the first people to reply will be booked in.
The workshops are:
- Workshop 7 - Townsville, Friday 16th January from 8:00am to 12:00pm
- Workshop 8 - Townsville, Friday 16th January from 1:00pm to 5:00pm
- Workshop 9 - Mackay, Monday 19th January from 8:00am to 12:00noon
- Workshop 10 - Moranbah, Tuesday 20th January from 8:00am to 12:00noon
- Workshop 11 - Moranbah, Tuesday 20th January from 1:00pm to 5:00pm
- Workshop 12 - Emerald, Wednesday 21st January from 12:30pm to 4:30pm
- Workshop 13 - Rockhampton, Thursday 22nd January from 1:00pm to 5:00pm
- Workshop 14 - Gladstone, Friday 23rd January from 12:30pm to 4:30pm
- Workshop 15 - Spring Hill, Brisbane, Booked Out
- Workshop 16 - Toowoomba (Booked Out) Thursday 29th January from 12:00noon to 4:00pm
- Workshop 21 (New) -Toowoomba Thursday 29th January from 8:00am to 12:00noon
- Workshop 17 - Dalby, Friday 30th January from 8:30am to 12:30pm
- Workshop 18 - Spring Hill, Brisbane, Booked Out, Wednesday 11th February 8:30am to 12:30pm
- Workshop 19 - Spring Hill, Brisbane, Wednesday 11th February from 1:00pm to 5pm
- Workshop 20 - Gold Coast – Date in February – to be confirmed.