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Western Australia SCAC update – February 2024

Western Australia SCAC update – February 2024

To all AIMS Members,

DEMIRS 280x220The Surveyors Competency Advisory Committee (SCAC) team have been working closely with the WA Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS) over the last few months to have the Authorisation process completed and documented.

I have posted some information received from Martin Ralph – Chief Inspector of Mines on our website.

Please view the following Member Notices page of our website for this information.


I can also share that guidance material has been finalised and will shortly be available online via the DEMIRS website, once this has been completed, we will post that it is available.

We will be looking at facilitating an afternoon information session at a venue that will allow people to attend in person but also join via a webinar. This information session will give a more detailed update on the Authorisation process and will allow for some Q&A. It will be open to students, educational and industry professionals and will include an opportunity after the information session to network and mingle over a drink or two.

Please share this information to those you think may be interested or may not have seen or received it. We rely heavily on our peers and connections to share this information so that no one misses out on what has been one of the biggest changes to improve our profession and the Authorisation process.

I am always available if you wish to speak one on one with, please reach out to myself or any of the other SCAC members if you have any questions.


Shane Watson
AIMS Vice-President

Mail: PO Box 828, Singleton, NSW 2330

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